It's Christmas Eve


Copyright by Asanda madikane
Christmas Card 2015 - Copyright Asanda Madikane

Christmas Eve, is more exciting to me than Christmas day its self. The anticipation of Christmas morning is the tip of the iceberg then its all down hill melt down from then after. Have you heard of the christmas blues? Its called Boxing day, people. New Year is not AS exciting as Christmas day eve. The buzz before the days occurrence is so much more exciting. So much more mysterious, festive and magical. The await for celebration. I love it. Just thinking about it give me butterflies in my stomach. I have been singing all morning. Any Christmas song, all Christmas songs. Im just waiting for the neighbour to through a shoe at our door from all the noise. Once Christmas presents are exchanged, hugs, kisses and laughter are exchanged... it will all be over by Midnight. Christmas does not last forever. And thank goodness for that or else we would all be broke and fat from Christmas dinners and would have to resort to eating crackers all month just to stay alive.

"You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
Im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming to town. "

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

My Ninjas
Dressed by Jacadi

Photographed: Asanda Photography 

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