Keeping Your Resolutions


We all make New Year Resolutions. Whether we write them down, actively take part in creating them or subconsciously start the year in a positive note. The New Year brings new vision, new ambitions and a new sense of purpose to make this year even better than the last.

But how long do they last? I have seen many new diet plans come and go as fast a week. Promises of no alcohol drinking disappearing at the cheers of a glass of Bordeaux at a social event. Financial projections that vanish at the sight of tax deductions. How is anyone supposed to stay motivated and true to their resolutions with all of life's non-supportive distractions?

Big Over The Top Goal

Since goals live and pass by like the latest hit radio song. I have recently found it self reliant to have small goal to ultimately reach my Big Over The Top Goal in life. Its the beginning of the year, so its the best time to monitor my steps towards my big goal. I only have so many days and even less hours in the day to achieve them. The pressure is on and the need to pursuit is high. Best engage before you have a burn out. Fighting out those days of doubt or despair is keeping in touch of your Big Over The Top Goal in life.

The more out of reach, the more elaborate and the more detailed you have imaged this goal.  It should sustain you for five or ten years in your life. Hopefully. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) written in a book by James Collins and Jerry Porras best demonstrates how it can work in companies but it can surly reflect the major results to a person's personal life goals.

How to find your BAHAG read here

In attaining these BIG goals, it is always best to approach them in a reasonable, measurable and timely manner. The pure pressure of attaining these goals and not attaining them in the time frame you want, can leave you feeling hopeless, regretful and discouraged. The point of goals is not to make you feel like a fool but to give you the necessary energy and motivation to keep moving forward. Even if moving forward feels like 10 000 tons of dog doo doo strapped on your feet with the anchor chains of the sinking Titanic. Cause you will feel like that some days, and other days you feel like a true champion of winners. So make sure you are super productive on positive days cause there is always doo doo on the way.

Try being S.M.A.R.T about it read here


Your own intelligence and endurance will get you there. As the cliche goes: "Rome was not built in a day"  Stop, look, listen and walk. Stop to take the time to really discover what you want in your whole entire life. Everything matters in your life. It's your life after all. Look for the right information to make your decision making easier. Listen to good and bad advice. You have to learn either way what is good and what is bad for you. And it will all depend if you Stopped and Looked in the right place. Then walk in the path towards your Big Over The Top Goal.

Silence can be your best strategy as a way to achieve your goals read here

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