Exclusive: ASOS x Asanda Photography "Through the Looking Glass"



December is a month of enchantment, mystery and delight. Its awe and wonder captures the imaginations of children and adults alike. It is a month to praise, to celebrate and be with family. The magic is in everyone's hearts. No one can ignore the lights that are hung high in our streets, in the stores and in our homes. It is a time to pause and reflect and be thankful. As we view the pass year, on our pains, goals, joys and tribulations. We look through the looking glass to see the person responsible for it all.

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll reminds us that everything that is and everything that we think we know, is and has never been real. Whatever is real and true to us is truly what we perceive. I guess it it true to the word; "You are what you think you are" so the best is to imagine yourself as the best possible personal, all the time. Why not? There are no rules to that. I guess the hardest part of believing in yourself is liking and maybe even more fruitful, that you love the person that you see in the mirror. If you can love yourself, could you imagine the impossibilities, being possible? Love has a great effect on making people... Spectacular.
" Who in the world, am I. Ah, that's the great puzzle"
What I am trying to say, with all this is; Don't take life so seriously. Play, laugh and wonder into the unknown to great adventures.  Alice in Wonderland may seem like a world of nonsense and folly. But look closely. Doesn't our world look as out of place? With all the crazy and madness around us, and the grey line between war and peace become even more undefined. Is it not time we stop, and reflect? To remember, what is important and what we have loved.

"If everyone minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does"

Surly what you see through the looking glass should be, the best of you. Surly it should the most loved part of you. Surly it should be an expanded and infinite version of you all concentrated in your simple physical form. But surly, it is not so. Its just you in the mirror.

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" 

You. And all the things you think of you, when you look in the mirror. Such a pity. What fun we would have played. Seeing your best side, sing and dance in the sun. What fun we would had, if you came along. 

"Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone, "so I can't take more"
"You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take more than nothing."

This editorial is inspired by magic and mystery. Happy Festive Season Everyone.





Dress: ASOS
Make up: M.A.C

Camera: D800
Lens: 35mm

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